Our Friends

Moms Near Me  www.momsnearme.com

Moms Near Me is a real world & online community of West Island moms. We provide an easy way for parents (or caregivers) to connect with each other through an array of services.

We offer planned activities, group buys, a place for you to set up playdates, buy/sell gently used baby & children's items as well as links to useful resources & parenting tips
Co-operative Pre-schoolers Playgroup 

CPPG is a playgroup for mothers, fathers or grand parents with their preschool age children located in the heart of Valois, Pointe-Claire, Quebec. 
As a cooperative playgroup, all members share the responsibility of running activities and maintaining our facilities. All members are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas to continue to make our playgroup a welcoming, encouraging and exciting place for our children to socialize and play. You are required to choose to be the activity parent up to 4 times per year and volunteer 2-3 hours during the year. In return they enjoy unlimited access to the facilities 5 days per week from September to June!
